James DeBarge_ Michael me salvo del suicidio

"One time I was on the roof of [Michael's] house:I was going to jump and everyone was losing it," “He was the only one NOT freaking out! He seemed to be familiar with my pain…he knew I needed someone to talk to so he was that ear. So we just talked all night and I forgot that I was even on the roof and that I was going to jump.” 

 "Una vez yo estaba en el techo de la casa de Michael, iba a saltar y todo iba a perderse" "El fue el unico que no entro en panico.. parecia estar familiarizado con mi pena, sabia que yo necesitaba a alguien a quien hablar y el fue esa persona. Entonces solo hablamos toda la noche y me olvide que estuve en el techo y que iba a saltar"

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